2021 Spring B.A. Exhibition
After a frantic week of preparation, I finished installing my work this afternoon. Last night was the first proper night of sleep I’ve had in what feels like a month. As exciting as this project has been, there’s no getting around the fact that final leg of the process is exhausting. Rewarding, of course, but exhausting nonetheless.
I was in the art building for the first hours of my birthday, which coincidently fell of the day of installation. Friday felt longer than it truly was, I think, but in the end I managed to finish setting up everything save for my photograph, which I had forgotten to bring wire to hang it with. That’s all done now, and besides some lighting and other odds ands ends, my corner of the exhibit is all ready for our opening this Tuesday.
This exhibit will be the first time I’ve had my work on display. While I’m not entirely sure how confident I feel about the piece, I am trying to let myself experience the satisfaction, even pride, in what I’ve produced over the past four months.
With Covid-19, the Crisp Ellert won’t be holding their regular reception for the opening of the B.A. Portfolio Show. As disappointing as this may be, I’m lucky to be part of the B.F.A. program, meaning that this wont be my final exhibit here. With any luck, the show next year will be a little bit more normal. I hesitate to use the word special, because this is my first show after all! However, I do look forward to the possibility of inviting friends and family to see my work in the future.
I’ll be taking some nicer photos to be documented in my portfolio, but these are just some quick shots I took on my phone while setting up- I’ll include the digital image of the photograph on the wall, though.
While I’m trying to talk myself out of it just because of the cost, I think its fairly likely that I’ll pick up some flowers to add to the sculpture Tuesday morning. Its rather empty beneath the candle stand, and I think a display of flowers could really elevate it. It certainly makes me wish I pursued a grant this semester!